FORT DEFIANCE : Fort defiance veteran memorial cemetery
indian route 12
Fort defiance

Sur l' AZ 264, en étant prés du Window rock airport et du Navajo nation museum, rendez vous a l'intersection de la SR 265 et IR 12; tournez aux feux en direction de l'hopital puis aller en direction de Fort Defiance; traversez Window Rock et continuez tout droit. Le cimetiere n'Est pas indiquer, mais il se trouve sur votre droite un peu avant Fort Defiance.
On AZ 264, being near the Window Rock Airport and the Navajo Nation Museum, go to the intersection of SR 265 and IR 12; turn at the traffic lights towards the hospital then go towards Fort Defiance; cross Window Rock and continue straight. The cemetery is not indicate, but it is on your right shortly before Fort Defiance.
Last edited: 17/03/2019