database and research website for U.S and Canadian military history * genealogy

MARION : Crittenden Memorial park

2430-2498 Old Military Rd




Crittenden memorial park

Le cimetiere est assez facile a trouver. Sur la Interstate 55, prendre la sortie 10 vers 64 West / Marion / Sunset / Wynne.
Aux feux, tournez an direction de la 64 West / Wynne.
Le Crittenden Memorial Park est le premier cimetiere que vous apercevrez sur votre droite.

The cemetery is quite easy to find. On Interstate 55, take Exit 10 to 64 West / Marion / Sunset / Wynne.
At the traffic lights, turn direction West 64 / Wynne.
Crittenden Memorial Park is the first cemetery you will see on your right.

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