database and research website for U.S and Canadian military history * genealogy

MONTE VISTA : Colorado state veteran cemetery.

3749 Sherman Avenue

Monte vista




Au centre de Monte Vista, au croisement des feux entre la North Broadway Street et la 1st Avenue ( en fait Colorado 15 - US 285 - US 160) Suivez la direction de l'information Center / Library / Alamosa. ( vous laissez en fait l'ecole et la Veteran Park derriere vous).
Suivez la 160 et tournez a gauche au panneaux vous indiquant State veteran center / Sherman avenue / Veterans museum.
Le cimetiere se trouve au State veteran center dont l'Entrée se trouve un peu plus loin sur votre gauche, au fond de la Patton Road.

In the center of Monte Vista, at the crossroads between North Broadway Street and 1st Avenue (actually Colorado 15 - US 285 - US 160) Follow the direction of the Information Center / Library / Alamosa. (you actually leave the school and the Veteran Park behind you).
Follow the 160 and turn left at the signs for State Veteran Center / Sherman Avenue / Veterans Museum.
The cemetery is located at the State Veteran Center, the Entrance of which is a little further on your left at the bottom of Patton Road.

Last edited: 24/01/2019