database and research website for U.S and Canadian military history * genealogy

YAKIMA : Tahoma Cemetery.

1802 tahoma avenue




A partir de l'interstate 82, prendre la sortie 36 vers Union Gap / Valley mall Blvd puis suivre les directions pour Valley Mall Blvd.
Continuer ainsi tout droit sur la Valley mall Blvd et continuer toujours tout droit a coté de l'aéroport. Tournez a gauche au panneau vous indiquant le cimetiere juste apres le US armed forces Reserve training center, le cimetiere ce trouve au bout de la rue.

From Interstate 82, take Exit 36 to Union Gap / Valley Mall Blvd then follow directions to Valley Mall Blvd.
Continue straight on Valley mall Blvd and continue straight ahead at the airport. Turn left at the sign indicating the cemetery just after the US Corps Reserve training center, the cemetery is at the end of the street.